Continuous Experimentation with PopcornFlow
Claudio Perrone
About the talk
Life is made of choices, but we don’t choose very often. We take the easy path, the default option. We cling to old habits and hardly ever question the status quo. But then, how can we move fast, learn faster, and even thrive in a turbulent world we can hardly understand? Enter PopcornFlow – an anti-fragile philosophy, actionable techniques and tools that leverage ultra-rapid experimentation to fight personal & organizational inertia. In this session, we’ll explore how to exploit uncertainty and innovate like some of the best and most aggressive companies around.
“When you'll die, how old would you rather be? 2 experiments old... or 20 thousand?” – Claudio Perrone

Claudio Perrone
Claudio aiuta le organizzazioni a sperimentare per far crescere il loro business. È un consulente di gestione Lean e Agile, imprenditore e stratega di startup. Lavora a Dublino. Speaker pluripremiato, Claudio condivide idee stimolanti e pratiche attraverso il visual storytelling e le sue illustrazioni in stile cartoon. La sua passione è aiutare i team e gli individui a sviluppare abitudini di pensiero incredibilmente buone e a portare il meglio del loro lavoro nel mondo.